This way of life had endured for centuries, but it would not last for ever. It constituted defiance to certain concepts, which the world was beginning to associate with civilisation itself. Concepts such as statehood, citizenship, undivided loyalty to one state; settled life as opposed to nomadic life, and the writ of the state as opposed to tribal discipline. A collection of short stories from an unknown, almost 80-year-old civil servant from Pakistan, who has never published anything, may not sound very promising. But this collection has been described as "one of the finest collections of short stories to come out of South Asia in decades". The author, Jamil Ahmad , has worked for years in a very controversial area: the remote regions of Balochistan and the tribal areas of Swat and Waziristan along the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. This is the very same area that has now become notorious, because it is supposedly the nest of al-Qaeda terrorists and the Tal