At twenty-three, Dexter Mayhew's vision of his future was no clearer than Emma Morley's. He hoped to be successful, to make his parents proud and to sleep with more than one woman at the same time, but how to make all these compatible? [...] He wanted to live life to the extreme, but without any mess or complications. He wanted to live life in such a way that if a photograph were taken at random, it would be a cool photograph. Things should look right. Fun; there should be a lot of fun and no more sadness than absolutely necessary.
I first heard - or read - about this novel from other book blogs and since the majority of the reviews seemed to be full of positive adjectives in superlative forms, I figured that the book just couldn't be a bad one. I bought an English paperback from a bookstore, because someone - I forget who - mentioned that this was worth reading in the original language instead of as a translation. I'm glad I did read it in English, because the novel itself is so very, very, very English. In a good way, I might add. :)
Even if you've never watched Cold Feet (like me) and don't know that David Nicholls writes screenplays and scripts for TV and film, it becomes pretty obvious in the very first pages of the novel that this guy knows what he's doing when he's writing dialogue. You can almost hear the characters speaking inside your head (and hopefully this does not mean that you've gone crazy). You can practically hear their English accents, the way they say "S'alright, I suppose" and "Thirty quid this cost me" and "Bloody 'ell" - these are just some random examples for the first few pages. Oh, I miss those accents, maybe it's just me, I should visit England again or see more English films and TV shows. :)
As I mentioned earlier, I took this book along on my honeymoon. It turned out to be both a great choice and a terrible mistake. Great - because it was the perfect book to get addicted to and keep me content and occupied whilst sitting on uncomfortable airport chairs, or trying not to get annoyed at the obsessive-peanut-crunching-man sitting next to me on the airplane, or relaxing on a hotel balcony, listening to the waves (at what was, coincidentally, a Greek island - much like the one Em and Dex visit near the beginning of the novel!). But choosing this book was a terrible mistake as well - because only pathetically unromantic people would rather spend their honeymoon evenings reading while their partners are trying to get them to go on a walk along a moonlit beach. Right? :)
Well, luckily I married an understanding person who was actually more than happy to read the book after me and enjoyed it too, despite it being "too predictable at the end". Personally, I liked the naïve Em and Dex in the beginning of the novel the most. The story lost some of its intensity somewhere in the middle of the novel, when Emma started to sound a bit too dull and ordinary, and Dexter was just plain irritating, but the pace picked up again near the end.
I can see why so many people like this book, and I can understand why it has become a best-seller. Emma and Dexter are both likeable, relatable and very real, although their relationship isn't always totally realistic or believable (why on earth would someone as sensible as Emma keep in touch with someone like Dex when he's doing that horrible TV-presenter/king-of-the-world/everyone-else-is-an-ignorant-idiot act near the middle of the book?!).
Anyway, to sum up this review that isn't really a proper review, just me rambling on... I highly recommend this book. Read it. Immediately. Or read it over the Christmas holidays when you have nothing to do and you're feeling a bit disappointed, because you didn't get the books you wanted for Christmas. This'll cheer you up. :)
David Nicholls: One Day. Hodder & Stoughton. 2011. 437 pages.
NY Times: "The Love Not Taken"
The Telegraph: "David Nicholls' One Day: Seize the book of the moment
The Guardian: "Days of our Lives"
I first heard - or read - about this novel from other book blogs and since the majority of the reviews seemed to be full of positive adjectives in superlative forms, I figured that the book just couldn't be a bad one. I bought an English paperback from a bookstore, because someone - I forget who - mentioned that this was worth reading in the original language instead of as a translation. I'm glad I did read it in English, because the novel itself is so very, very, very English. In a good way, I might add. :)
Even if you've never watched Cold Feet (like me) and don't know that David Nicholls writes screenplays and scripts for TV and film, it becomes pretty obvious in the very first pages of the novel that this guy knows what he's doing when he's writing dialogue. You can almost hear the characters speaking inside your head (and hopefully this does not mean that you've gone crazy). You can practically hear their English accents, the way they say "S'alright, I suppose" and "Thirty quid this cost me" and "Bloody 'ell" - these are just some random examples for the first few pages. Oh, I miss those accents, maybe it's just me, I should visit England again or see more English films and TV shows. :)
As I mentioned earlier, I took this book along on my honeymoon. It turned out to be both a great choice and a terrible mistake. Great - because it was the perfect book to get addicted to and keep me content and occupied whilst sitting on uncomfortable airport chairs, or trying not to get annoyed at the obsessive-peanut-crunching-man sitting next to me on the airplane, or relaxing on a hotel balcony, listening to the waves (at what was, coincidentally, a Greek island - much like the one Em and Dex visit near the beginning of the novel!). But choosing this book was a terrible mistake as well - because only pathetically unromantic people would rather spend their honeymoon evenings reading while their partners are trying to get them to go on a walk along a moonlit beach. Right? :)
Well, luckily I married an understanding person who was actually more than happy to read the book after me and enjoyed it too, despite it being "too predictable at the end". Personally, I liked the naïve Em and Dex in the beginning of the novel the most. The story lost some of its intensity somewhere in the middle of the novel, when Emma started to sound a bit too dull and ordinary, and Dexter was just plain irritating, but the pace picked up again near the end.
I can see why so many people like this book, and I can understand why it has become a best-seller. Emma and Dexter are both likeable, relatable and very real, although their relationship isn't always totally realistic or believable (why on earth would someone as sensible as Emma keep in touch with someone like Dex when he's doing that horrible TV-presenter/king-of-the-world/everyone-else-is-an-ignorant-idiot act near the middle of the book?!).
Anyway, to sum up this review that isn't really a proper review, just me rambling on... I highly recommend this book. Read it. Immediately. Or read it over the Christmas holidays when you have nothing to do and you're feeling a bit disappointed, because you didn't get the books you wanted for Christmas. This'll cheer you up. :)
David Nicholls: One Day. Hodder & Stoughton. 2011. 437 pages.
NY Times: "The Love Not Taken"
The Telegraph: "David Nicholls' One Day: Seize the book of the moment
The Guardian: "Days of our Lives"
Tämä kirja on kyllä niin merkillisen hyvä kaikessa brittimäisessä tavallisuudessaan ja ihanuudessaan, että! Minunkin blogissa tämä on keikkunut viikkotolkulla TOP 3- seuratuimpien postausten listalla.
VastaaPoistaTämä muuten sopisi oikein hyvin jouluunkin, vaikka melankolisiakin tuntemuksia tämä kyllä varmasti herättää hyvän mielen rinnalla.
Kirjoitit oivaltavalla tavalla pohdiskelevasti. Luulen, että juuri se kirjan brittiläisyys tässä on se juttu, mikä tekee sinänsä tavallisesti kerrotusta kirjasta niin ihmeellisen. Emma ja Dexter ovat ärsyttäviä, mutta silti rakastettavia. Ja ainakin minulta menee matto pois jalkojen alla silloin, kun teos on näin peribrittiläinen (ilmankos olinkin aikoinani häämatkalla Lontoossa :)).
VastaaPoistaMinua hymyilyttää kuvauksesi häämatkaltanne! Olet kyllä takuulla löytänyt itsellesi oikean puolison ja se on onnea se. Olen itse ollut saman ihmisen kanssa kauan ja kun joskus harvoin pääsemme kahdestaan matkaan, niin molemmat pakkaavat kirjoja mukaansa.
Ihanaa saada kuvaus tästä englanninkielisestä versiosta, itse ajattelin ostaa sen Lontoosta itselleni lahjaksi ja lukea jouluna. :)
VastaaPoistaKirjoitat kivasti ja vetävästi ja hauskasti kuvaat häämatkaasi! Hyvä että mieskin ymmärtää kirjoja ja haluaa lukea. Onnea teille! :>
Voi, tämä on niin ihana! Myös minä anglofiilinä ihastelin erityisesti kirjan brittiläisyyttä, mutta oli siinä muutakin. Tai no, hauska dialogikin oli kyllä niin hauskaa juuri brittiläisellä tavalla, että kaipa se kansallisväri kietoutuu kirjan kaikkiin (?) ansioihin.
VastaaPoistaMinua ei haitannut tässä kirjassa epäuskottavuus tai ennalta-arvattavuus, sillä minusta nuo piirteet kuuluvat romanttisiin komedioihin aivan erottamattomina.
Sinulle olen kateellinen siitä, että luit tämän englanniksi. :) Ehkä minäkin joskus, vaikka olen huono lukemaan kirjoja uudelleen.
Pistäydyin vain kertomaan, että olipas mukavaa lukea arvostelu englanniksi:)
VastaaPoistaMiustakin oli mukavaa lukea tämä englanniksi! :) Ja kiva että myös tykkäsit tästä. Tämä kirja kestäisi varmasti myös toisen lukukerran, joten ehkäpä luen tämän jossain vaiheessa enkuksikin;)
VastaaPoistaSusa, ehkäpä tässä on juuri sopiva sekoitus huumoria ja suuria tunteita joulunajan kirjaksi! :)
VastaaPoistaKatja, kiitos! Oi, häämatka Lontooseen ja tämä kirja olisi ollut lyömätön yhdistelmä! ;) Ja olkaamme onnellisia ymmärtäväisistä ja lukevista puolisoistamme!
linnea, loistava idea ja kiitos kehuista! :) Vaimoni (itse asiassa) on lähes yhtä hurja lukutoukka kuin minäkin, joten siinä mielessä suhteemme tulevaisuus näyttää.. öh, lukuisalta. ;)
Karoliina, brittiläisyys oli kyllä tämän kirjan selkäranka! En edes osaa kuvitella sen sijoittuvan minnekään muualle. Elokuva puolestaan vähän arveluttaa, erityisesti sen jälkeen kun luin tämän jutun, jossa Anne Hathawayn suoritus One Dayssa nostetaan 1. sijalle TIME-lehden "Top 10 Worst Fake British Accents" -listalla. :D Odotan siis leffaa pelonsekaisin tuntein...
Sonja & Sanna, kiva kuulla! Olen joskus miettinyt, onko mitään järkeä kirjoittaa englanniksi lukemistani kirjoista arvosteluja samalla kielellä muuten suomenkielisessä blogissa, mutta luotan siihen että blogini lukijat ovat kielitaitoista porukkaa. :) Eli kaksikielinen linja jatkuu!
kiva arvio, minäkin tykkäsin tästä niin kovin!
VastaaPoistapakko sanoa, minä en sanoisi et dex ja en on likable, vaikka relatable ja real pitää varmasti paikkaansa. ehkä niissä on kuitenkin jotain tosi sympaattista?