History isn't the lies of the victors, as I once glibly assured Old Joe Hunt; I know that now. It's more the memories of the survivors, most of whom are neither victorious nor defeated.
Last year's Booker Prize winner was a must-read for me. I have never read anything by Julian Barnes before, which is clearly a mistake. If the rest of his novels are half as good as The Sense of an Ending, they are definitely worth reading.
The main character, Tony, and his friends Alex and Colin meet Adrian Finn at school. Serious, philosophical and infinitely mysterious, Adrian becomes the glue that holds their small clique together, even after their graduation. But then Adrian commits suicide and the three remaining friends lose touch with each other.
Now Tony is retired, divorced and ageing. He feels content with his life, accepting the inevitable forgetfulness that age brings. But a letter from a lawyer raises new questions about what really happened to Adrian and why. As Tony tries to come to terms with the past, he meets old friends and ex-girlfriends from decades ago.
The novel is about a tragic friendship, the unreliability of personal memory and the regrets that old age can bring. It also explores the definition of history and how it is related to the archives of memory. As Adrian says in the novel: History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation.
The novel is intense, carefully structured and surprisingly short and compact. Barnes is one of those writers who obviously knows how to craft beautiful sentences. Although the novel is relatively fast to read, it is also worthwhile to slow down and savour the language.
I thought the ending of The Sense of an Ending was frustrating and confusing! There is a strange and unexpected twist at the end, which made me want to read the book all over again to see if I could make sense of it from a new perspective.
But I might just read it again simply because it was so good. :) I really hope that the book will be translated into Finnish as well. Definitely one of the best novels that I have read in a long time!
Julian Barnes: The Sense of an Ending. Jonathan Cape. 2011. 150 pages.
The Guardian: The Sense of an Ending
Wikipedia: The Sense of an Ending
Last year's Booker Prize winner was a must-read for me. I have never read anything by Julian Barnes before, which is clearly a mistake. If the rest of his novels are half as good as The Sense of an Ending, they are definitely worth reading.
The main character, Tony, and his friends Alex and Colin meet Adrian Finn at school. Serious, philosophical and infinitely mysterious, Adrian becomes the glue that holds their small clique together, even after their graduation. But then Adrian commits suicide and the three remaining friends lose touch with each other.
Now Tony is retired, divorced and ageing. He feels content with his life, accepting the inevitable forgetfulness that age brings. But a letter from a lawyer raises new questions about what really happened to Adrian and why. As Tony tries to come to terms with the past, he meets old friends and ex-girlfriends from decades ago.
The novel is about a tragic friendship, the unreliability of personal memory and the regrets that old age can bring. It also explores the definition of history and how it is related to the archives of memory. As Adrian says in the novel: History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation.
The novel is intense, carefully structured and surprisingly short and compact. Barnes is one of those writers who obviously knows how to craft beautiful sentences. Although the novel is relatively fast to read, it is also worthwhile to slow down and savour the language.
I thought the ending of The Sense of an Ending was frustrating and confusing! There is a strange and unexpected twist at the end, which made me want to read the book all over again to see if I could make sense of it from a new perspective.
But I might just read it again simply because it was so good. :) I really hope that the book will be translated into Finnish as well. Definitely one of the best novels that I have read in a long time!
Julian Barnes: The Sense of an Ending. Jonathan Cape. 2011. 150 pages.
The Guardian: The Sense of an Ending
Wikipedia: The Sense of an Ending
Oijoi! <3 Kiitos tästä arviosta, viimeistään nyt The Sense of an Ending menee seuraavan reissun ostoslistalle. Vaikuttaa todella hyvältä kirjalta!
VastaaPoistaMinäkin olin tämän luettuani niin hämmentyneen vaikuttunut, että mielellään sitä tunnetta jakaisi muillekin. ;) Toivottavasti saat kirjan käsiisi pian!
PoistaMinulla pinossa ja luen sen än-yy-tee-nyt. kiitos tästä arviosta, tuo loppu jäi vähän huolestuttamaan kylläkin...
VastaaPoistaLoistavaa, lisää lukijoita kirjalle! Tätä ei ole vielä suomalaisissa kirjablogeissa hirveästi näkynytkään, mutta mukavaa että asia korjaantuu. :)
PoistaKirjan loppu veti minulta vähän maton jalkojen alta ja piti ihan pysähtyä miettimään, että hetkinen, mitäs tässä nyt tapahtui... Olisi kyllä kiva kuulla muiden mielipiteitä loppuratkaisusta.
Jee, hienoa että kirjoitit tästä!
VastaaPoistaMinulla on aina kalenterin lopussa lukulista, ja kun vuodenvaihteessa kopioin lukemattomia kirjoja vanhasta kalenterista uuteen, ihmettelin mikä tämäkin kirja oli ja mistä se oli listalle päätynyt, kun ei ollut mitään muistikuvaa. Pari viikkoa myöhemmin näin kirjan Akateemisessa ja meinasin ostaa sen saman tien, oli niin hienon näköinen eikä kovin kalliskaan (kovakantinen alle kaksikymppiä). En sitten kuitenkaan rohjennut ostaa, mutta nyt tekisi oikeastaan mieli lähteä kauppaan saman tien. :)
Kannattaa rohjeta! :) Minä sain tällä kertaa napattua kirjan kirjastosta mukaan, mutta tekisi mieli ostaa ihan omaksi, jos noin sopivalla hinnalla kerran löytää.
PoistaNiin siinä sitten kävi, että tilasin Adlibrikseltä pokkarin (joka sekin on onneksi hienon näköinen), luin ja pidin kovasti! Kirja oli ehkä vähän erityylinen kuin olin kuvitellut, mutta oikea pieni helmi kuitenkin. Kiitos suosituksesta siis! Barnesia pitää ehdottomasti lukea joskus lisääkin, kirjastossa näkyi olevan pitkä rivi hänen kirjojaan odottamassa.
PoistaOlipa kiva lukea tämä. Minulla on ollut kirjasta jostakin syystä Booker-voitosta huolimatta hieman negatiivinen kuva, jota postauksesi kyllä muutti. Suomenruotsiksi tämä ilmestyy tänä vuonna, mutta suomesta en ole ainakaan vielä kuullut.
VastaaPoistaMinä en kyllä keksi tästä oikein mitään negatiivista sanottavaa, ellei sitten loppuratkaisu ole vähän hämmentävä.
PoistaBarnesin romaaneja on ainakin aiemmin käännetty myös suomeksi - tosin edellisestä suomennoksesta on yli 20 vuotta aikaa! Toivottavasti jokin kustantamo tarttuu tähän uusimpaan. :)