Being a reader is sort of like being president, except reading involves fewer state dinners, usually. You have this agenda you want to get through, but you get distracted by life events, e.g., books arriving in the mail/World War III, and you are temporarily deflected from your chosen path.
Nick Hornby's The Complete Polysyllabic Spree is The Diary of an Occasionally Exasperated But Ever Hopeful Reader. The book is a collection of columns, written for a literary magazine, The Believer, in 2003 - 2004. Basically, it's Hornby's personal reading log where he lists the books he's bought and read each month and writes something - inevitably humorous - about them.
Reading about someone else's reading might sound a bit boring, but since it's Nick Hornby, who has a reputation of being both funny and entertaining, I naturally expected the book to make me laugh and entertain me. Plus I was hoping to get a few good book tips along the way.
Unfortunately the humour of the book just didn't work for me. The writing was witty and clever, yes. It's interesting to read what Hornby has to say about some of the other contemporary British and American authors (and not all of the things he says are very nice, by the way). But I didn't burst into any giggles or chuckles or anything like that...
The book was entertaining enough to read, although Hornby's lists of "what I read this month" were not that interesting for a Finnish reader. Almost all the books he reads (and I do mean something like 99%) are by British and American authors. I think there were only one or two books during his entire year of reading that were translated into English from another language! And I thought I was limited when it comes to genres and authors! ;)
I know that Finland is somewhat of an exception when it comes to the share of translated literature vs. literature written in Finnish, but I'm still a bit shocked at the small number of non-Anglo-American authors that someone who calls themselves an active reader and literary person reads. The full list of books that Hornby read during the year and wrote about in The Polysyllabic Spree can be seen here.
Inevitably, the fact that many of the books were written by British or American authors who are not that widely known also meant that there were quite a few that I've never heard of. So one of my expectations for this book was fulfilled in that I got some interesting book tips. For example, Hornby makes Amanda Eyre Ward's novel, How To Be Lost, sound like a must-read: melancholy, wry, apparently (but only apparently) artless, perched on the balls of its feet and ready to jump either towards humour or towards heartbreak, with no run-up and no effort.
Also, Hornby has convinced me to finally read something by Marilynne Robinson. I've read a lot of positive things about her books from other blogs, but still haven't touched any of her books. Hornby's praise leaves no doubt: Marilynne Robinson is one of America's greatest living writers, and certainly there's no one else like her. I think I am using that phrase literally: I have never come across a mind like this one, in literature or anywhere else, for that matter.
Nick Hornby: The Complete Polysyllabic Spree. The Diary of an Occasionally Exasperated But Ever Hopeful Reader. Penguin. 2007. 278 pages.
Wikipedia: The Polysyllabic Spree
Wikipedia: Nick Hornby
Nick Hornby's The Complete Polysyllabic Spree is The Diary of an Occasionally Exasperated But Ever Hopeful Reader. The book is a collection of columns, written for a literary magazine, The Believer, in 2003 - 2004. Basically, it's Hornby's personal reading log where he lists the books he's bought and read each month and writes something - inevitably humorous - about them.
Reading about someone else's reading might sound a bit boring, but since it's Nick Hornby, who has a reputation of being both funny and entertaining, I naturally expected the book to make me laugh and entertain me. Plus I was hoping to get a few good book tips along the way.
Unfortunately the humour of the book just didn't work for me. The writing was witty and clever, yes. It's interesting to read what Hornby has to say about some of the other contemporary British and American authors (and not all of the things he says are very nice, by the way). But I didn't burst into any giggles or chuckles or anything like that...
The book was entertaining enough to read, although Hornby's lists of "what I read this month" were not that interesting for a Finnish reader. Almost all the books he reads (and I do mean something like 99%) are by British and American authors. I think there were only one or two books during his entire year of reading that were translated into English from another language! And I thought I was limited when it comes to genres and authors! ;)
I know that Finland is somewhat of an exception when it comes to the share of translated literature vs. literature written in Finnish, but I'm still a bit shocked at the small number of non-Anglo-American authors that someone who calls themselves an active reader and literary person reads. The full list of books that Hornby read during the year and wrote about in The Polysyllabic Spree can be seen here.
Inevitably, the fact that many of the books were written by British or American authors who are not that widely known also meant that there were quite a few that I've never heard of. So one of my expectations for this book was fulfilled in that I got some interesting book tips. For example, Hornby makes Amanda Eyre Ward's novel, How To Be Lost, sound like a must-read: melancholy, wry, apparently (but only apparently) artless, perched on the balls of its feet and ready to jump either towards humour or towards heartbreak, with no run-up and no effort.
Also, Hornby has convinced me to finally read something by Marilynne Robinson. I've read a lot of positive things about her books from other blogs, but still haven't touched any of her books. Hornby's praise leaves no doubt: Marilynne Robinson is one of America's greatest living writers, and certainly there's no one else like her. I think I am using that phrase literally: I have never come across a mind like this one, in literature or anywhere else, for that matter.
Nick Hornby: The Complete Polysyllabic Spree. The Diary of an Occasionally Exasperated But Ever Hopeful Reader. Penguin. 2007. 278 pages.
Wikipedia: The Polysyllabic Spree
Wikipedia: Nick Hornby
Mukava kuulla tästä tällainenkin mielipide. Minä ihastuin Hornbyyn luettuani hänen Fever Pitchinsä; kirja, joka oli osasyyllinen siihen että kiinnostuin jalkapallosta. Laitan tämän harkintaan mutta taidan silti pysytellä ensin Hornbyn kaunokirjallisissa tuotoksissa.
VastaaPoistalinnea, minä taas mietin nyt, uskallanko tutustua ollenkaan Hornbyn kaunokirjalliseen puoleen! Jos huumori ei iskenyt tässä, toimiiko se sitten ollenkaan..? :)
VastaaPoistaZephyr, kurjaa ettei tämä toiminut sulle :-/
VastaaPoistaMinulle taidettiin sanoa, että Hornbyn kaunokirjallisuus on aika samantapaista sävyltään kuin tämäkin, joten laitoin harkintaan kun kerran tykkäsin Spreestäkin, aiheet (ihmisuhteet) vain eivät ole sitä ominta alaani, joten toistaiseksi on jäänyt kokeilematta :-)
Minä tykkäsin High Fidelitysta, ei kun Uskollisesta äänentoistosta (?) kun luin sen suomeksi. Muistakin Hornbyn kirjoista on tehty ihan hauskoja leffoja. Ja tämä kirja kuulosti omaltani, ostin sen 1,5 kk sitten ulkomaan matkalta. Ihan hyvä kuulla myös negatiivinen mielipide.
VastaaPoistaJa hei, Amanda Eyre Wardin suomennettukin teos, jonka nimeä en nyt juuri muista, ei kyllä ollut minusta mitenkään erikoinen (hei, se on Katoamistemppu!). Ihan mukava välipalakirja, muttei sen enempää. Robinson on minunkin TBR-listallani.
Nyt kyllä peesaan Karoliinaa, minustakaan Wardin Katoamistemppu ei ollut mitenkään erityinen kirja.
VastaaPoistaRobinsonilta olen lukenut Gileadin, enkä ollut siitäkään kauhean innostunut. Pidin kyllä alusta, mutta sitten aloin hieman tuskaantua hitaaseen vauhtiin ja kertojan uskonnollisiin pohdintoihin. Kirjasta jäi kuitenkin enemmän käteen kuin tuosta Wardin katoamistempusta.
Aika hätkähdyttävää muuten tuo angloamerikkalaisen kirjallisuuden määrä Hornbyn lukuvaliossa. Piti oikein käydä tarkistamassa kuinka paljon tänä vuonna lukemistani kirjoista on ollut alkuperältään jotain muuta kuin kotimaista tai angloamerikkalaista. Hieman vajaa 20 %, jos nyt jotakin sattuu kiinnostamaan, näistä n. 2/3 pohjoismaista kirjallisuutta, loput sitten hajoavat ympäri Eurooppaa. Eli aika suuri osuus on minullakin angloamerikkalaisia kirjailijoita. Pitäisiköhän tähän panostaa ensi vuonna ja pyrkiä lukemaan enemmän muiden kielialueiden kirjallisuutta.
Booksy, hmm... taidan harkita vielä uudemman kerran, tutustunko Hornbyyn tämän laajemmin vai en. :)
VastaaPoistaKaroliina, piti ihan googletella Hornbyn kirjoista tehtyjä leffoja ja niistä olen nähnyt Pojan (About a Boy). Siitä on jotain hataria muistikuvia, mutta en ainakaan muista, että olisin pitänyt sitä mitenkään huonona leffana.
Karoliina & Lukutoukka, luotan teihin (ja omiin lisägoogletuksiini) ;) enkä luultavasti sittenkään lue Wardin kirjaa. Hornby taitaa kyllä kehujen antamisen jalon taidon, mutta todellisuudessa kirja ei välttämättä olekaan ihan sitä, mitä odotan.
Lukutoukka, mielenkiintoisia tilastoja! Luultavasti omat lukemani kotimaisten + angloamerikkalaisten kirjojen suhteen olisivat hyvin samanlaiset, että siinä mielessä ei pitäisi ihmetellä Hornbyn "rajoittunutta" valikoimaa. Hämmästyttävää silti, miten vähän käännöskirjallisuutta esim. Briteissä ylipäätään julkaistaan saati luetaan. Suomessa kuitenkin käännetään runsaasti muitakin kuin angloamerikkalaisia teoksia!